
50 mg elbasvir/100 mg grazoprevir (EBR/GZR)

FDA approved for use in HIV/HCV co-infection
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Standard Dose

One tablet once daily with or without food for adults and children aged 12 and older and weighing 66 pounds or more (≥30 kg). The typical duration of therapy is 12 weeks, but recommendations vary depending on genotype, treatment history, cirrhosis status, presence of HIV coinfection, and presence of NS5A polymorphisms (genetic mutations that may make Zepatier less effective). See treatment duration recommendations at hcvguidelines.org.

Take missed dose as soon as possible unless it is less than 12 hours before your next dose. Do not double up on your next dose.




Zepatier (50/100 mg tablets): $9,360 / month

Potential Side Effects and Toxicity

Potential Drug Interactions

More Information