A Day with HIV portrays 24 hours in the lives of people affected by HIV. On September 22, 2022, people photographed a moment of their day, posted the pictures to their social media and shared their stories with the hashtag #adaywithhiv. An online gallery is on view at adaywithhiv.com

7:00 PM: South Padre Island
Michelle Anderson: When having an undetectable viral load is sexy AF!
9:05 AM: Chicago, Illinois
Coleman Goode: Today I’m in my neighborhood Starbucks, taking an hour that I put aside daily to work on my book of short stories. These stories make up moments of my life that bring me joy, caused me pain, left me confused, and of course the ones that I look to for strength. I have been thriving while living with HIV for 16 years, and that is worth celebrating!

8:00 AM: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Alexi Díaz: When you talk about surviving, Boricuas know how to do this very well. We have been subject to the weight of the laws of a foreign government, we have suffered for decades from the corruption of local government, we have been hit by natural disasters over and over, the latest being Hurricane Fiona, which left the whole island without power. Here I am in front of my friend’s apartment, who’s using an extension cord to power his fridge using the electricity from the generator of the building we live in to power the common areas.
3:05 PM: Ashland, Oregon
Gretchen Roberts: A beautiful day in southern Oregon, in the community garden where I tend vegetables and flowers with friends. I celebrate living with untransmittable HIV for 20 years. As a Positive Sunbeam, I embrace being an HIV advocate to end HIV and self-stigma. I am lovable. I am free to be me. I am worthy of joy, family and connection. My life is worth living, and so is yours.

1:00 PM: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Asha Molock: As we age with HIV, we may find ourselves being a caregiver to our elderly parents. Remember to take time to care for yourself and do whatever brings you peace, joy and happiness!
8:00 PM: New Haven, Connecticut
Brandon M. Macsata: A Day with HIV is being the healthy, loving and proud Papa of this little guy, Sebastian.