Luca, my grandson whom I live with, hears me talk about HIV/AIDS and stigma all the time. Every morning Luca reminds me, “It’s morning time, PaPa, time to take your meds.” I share my daily life with him and his older brother Pierce, who is 6. Both boys have played a vital role in my recovery from my 2014 AIDS diagnosis. This picture came about as I was making profile picture frames for HIV Long-Term Survivors Awareness Day on the backside of the POSITIVELY AWARE HIV Drug Chart. I had been writing the names of long-term survivors and how many years they’ve been living with HIV. When Luca saw the colorful chart on the other side, he immediately became interested, unfolding it across his bed. He asked, “PaPa, can I look at all the meds?” As an HIV speaker I go to high schools educating our youth. A senior student once asked me what I would do differently. My response: Educate children at a much younger age. My two grandsons have lived around me since I was diagnosed. They know more about HIV than most adults.
—Michael Zalnasky
Broward County, Florida
From Associate Editor Enid Vázquez: A reader who is a Utah inmate had his copy of our annual HIV Drug Guide confiscated. Looking into the matter, I contacted the institution. This was their response:
Articles that describe the use, affects, or have photos, of any drugs or medication are problematic inside the prison. Inmates use information like this to determine what drugs/medications they can sell, use. We are not able to research each drug to determine if this is a possibility. We deny any publications that contain this material to ensure that we can maintain the safety and security of the institution.
If an inmate needs this kind of information they can meet with one of our medical professionals and obtain it.
To our reader—I am so sorry for what happened.
—Enid Vázquez