Every Issue

Note From the Hepatitis C Editor
We can’t get there without harm reduction

Briefly July + August 2024
Follow the research: TAG’s pipeline reports

Behind the cover: His life’s work
Peter McLoyd has made a life as a peer educator living with HIV and hepatitis
This Issue

Texas hold ’em
Advocates fight to get uninsured Texans access to Cabenuva

Removing the hurdles
Advocates California tries to ‘cleanup’ a law that was intended to improve PrEP access

Notes from Barcelona
Highlights from ESCMID Global 2024—the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases conference in Barcelona, Spain

The Global Picture: Advancing the conversation
In Nigeria, an advocate uses personal storytelling to share knowledge and strength

The language of HIV (de) criminalization
Choosing your words: Kamaria Laffrey, co-executive director of The SERO Project, talks about her strategy in the fight to modernize and repeal outdated laws that criminalize HIV
Hepatitis Drug Guide

Understanding your hepatitis C results
What do they mean? Andrew Reynolds, our hep C editor, explains

Hepatitis C reinfection: You mean I can get this again?
Everything you ever wanted to know about hepatitis reinfection

Hepatitis B—An overview
A cheat sheet from Andrew Reynolds on the most common infectious disease in the world

Hepatitis B medications
Preferred regimens based on AASLD treatment guidelines

Black Box Warning
Hepatitis B reactivation

HBV resources
Hepatitis B Medication Patient Assistance Programs